Single Wall Stainless Chimney Systems

Supra is a single wall stainless chimney system for gas fired appliances (used on our NVx, NVS and VPC product ranges) and supplied complete with bonded factory fitted seals. Available in 80mm to 130mm internal diameter.

Supra Single Wall Flue Systems

At Powrmatic we work closely with our sister company SFL Flue & Chimneys in Barnstaple. SFL have been manufacturing Flue Systems for over 40 years in the UK and have an excellent reputation for highest quality products which is the perfect partner for Powrmatic’s heater range.

All products are under control of BS En ISO 9001 and are CE approved.

If you need help in selecting the right flue products for your heating system, simply get in touch with your local area sales rep today. We also have a Balanced Flue fitting instruction guide for the NVx and VPC heaters available to download from the drop-down on the right hand side.

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Contact Info

Heating Services, Unit 1, Ray Lane Business Park, Kenlis Road, Preston, PR3 1GD
01995 601000
01995 601000